PCR Assembly Primer Design
Module¶Bases: object
Collection of result data essential for drawing an assembly scheme.
sequence – str
: Sequence of assembly design.
primers – list(list(int)
: Numeric representation (end numbering and direction) of primers.
name – str
: Construct prefix/name.
COL_SIZE – int
: (Optional) Column width for assembly output. Positive number only.
: Sequence of assembly design.
: Numeric representation (end numbering and direction) of primers.
: Construct prefix/name.
: Strings for base-pairing lines ('|'
: Strings for primer sequence lines.
list(tuple(str, str))
: Strings for all lines assembled, i.e. list(tuple('marker', 'print_line'))
: List of melting temperature for all overlapping regions.
Representation of the Assembly
Results of the Assembly
class. Calls echo()
Print result in rich-text.
Save result to text file.
path – str
: (Optional) Path for file saving. Use either relative or absolute path.
name – str
: (Optional) Prefix/name for file name. When nonspecified, current object’s name is used.
Bases: object
Collection of mutant constructs. An empty isntance of primerize.Mutation
is always initiated as the first element, i.e. a Wild-type well as the first of list.
Data of constructs, in format of list(primerize.Mutation)
Test if a list of given mutant construct is present.
mut_list – primerize.Mutation
: A mutant represented by primerize.Mutation
Iterator through all constructs.
Number of filled wells.
Representation of the Construct_List
Results of the Construct_List
class. Calls echo()
Print result in rich-text.
Return a list of all constructs.
Merge 2 lists of constructs.
other – primerize.Construct_List
: Another list of constructs.
– A list of duplicated constructs between inputs.
TypeError – For illegal other.
Remove a list of mutations.
mut_list – primerize.Mutation
: A mutant represented by primerize.Mutation
. Mutant that is not present will result in a premature return with False
– Whether mut_list is successfully removed.
Add a list of mutations.
mut_list – primerize.Mutation
: Mutations. A mutant represented by primerize.Mutation
. If the mutant is already present, it will return False
– Whether mut_list is successfully added.
Bases: object
Collection of mutations for a construct.
mut_list – list(str)
: (Optional) List of mutations. When nonspecified, an empty instance is created; when specified, it calls push()
. An empty instance means no mutations, i.e. Wild-type.
Data of mutations, in format of dict: { int: tuple(str, str) }
, i.e. dict: {'seqpos': ('wt_char', 'mut_char') }
Test if a list of given mutation is present.
mut_list – list(str)
: Mutations in format of 'wt_char'
, 'seq_pos'
, 'mut_char'
, (e.g. ['G13C', 'A15T']
Comparison method for whether two Mutation
objects contain the same set of mutations.
Iterator through all mutations.
Number of filled wells.
Representation of the Mutation
Results of the Mutation
class. Calls echo()
Print result in rich-text, delimited by ';'
Return a list of all mutations.
Merge 2 lists of mutations.
other – primerize.Mutation
: Another list of mutations.
TypeError – For illegal other.
Remove a list of mutations.
mut_list – list(str)
: Mutations. Valid keywords are the same as has()
. Mutations that are not present will result in a premature return with False
– Whether all mutations in mut_list are successfully removed.
Add a list of mutations.
mut_list – list(str)
: Mutations. Valid keywords are the same as has()
. Each 'seq_pos'
can only be mutated once. Conflicting mutations are overwritten and the most recent one is saved. 'WT'
is ignored.
ValueError – For illegal mut_str.
Bases: object
Abstraction of 96-well plates.
tag – int
: (Optional) Mutation library tag. Use which_lib number.
: Filled 96-Well Coordinates.
Data of primers and names, in format of dict: { str: tuple(primerize.Mutation, str) }
, i.e. dict: {'coord': ('tag', 'primer') }
Test if data of a given WellPosition is present.
coord – str
: WellPosition (e.g. 'A01'
) for data.
Number of filled wells.
Representation of the Plate_96Well
Results of the Plate_96Well
class. Calls echo()
Print result in rich-text.
ref_primer – list(str)
: (Optional) List of Wild-type primer_set for highlighting. If nonspecified, highlighting is disabled.
Get data of a particular well or number of wells filled.
coord – str
: Keyword of parameter. Use WellPosition for well data.
value of specified coord.
AttributeError – For illegal WellPosition (out of range(0, 96) + 1
KeyError – For nonexisted coord.
Clear current plate data.
Save plate layout to image file (SVG).
ref_primer – list(str)
: (Optional) List of Wild-type primer_set for highlighting. If nonspecified, highlighting is disabled.
file_name – str
: (Optional) File name. Include path into file_name when specifying. Use either relative or absolute path.
title – str
: (Optional) Title to display on image. LaTex NOT supported.
Record data of a particular well.
coord – str
: WellPosition for data. Use same range as get()
. Existing data for the same well is overwritten.
tag – primerize.Mutation
: Mutant representd by primerize.Mutation
. str
is only supported for backward compatibility.
primer – str
: Primer seuqence of well. Use sense-strand.
AttributeError – For illegal WellPosition.
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Last updated on Dec 13, 2024.