RiboKit : Primerize

PCR Assembly Primer Design

primerize.primerize_1d Module

class primerize.primerize_1d.Primerize_1D(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Singleton

Construct a worker for 1D Primer Design (Simple Assembly).

  • MIN_TMfloat: (Optional) Minimum annealing temperature for overlapping regions. Unit in Celsius. Positive number only.

  • NUM_PRIMERSint: (Optional) Exact limit of number of primers in design. Non-negative even number only. 0 represents “No limit”.

  • MIN_LENGTHint: (Optional) Minimum length allowed for each primer. Positive number only.

  • MAX_LENGTHint: (Optional) Maximum length allowed for each primer. Positive number only.

  • COL_SIZEint: (Optional) Column width for assembly output. Positive number only.

  • WARN_CUTOFFint: (Optional) Threshold of pairing region length for misprime warning. Positive number only.

  • prefixstr: (Optional) Construct prefix/name.




This class follows the singleton pattern so that only one instance is created. An instance is already initialized as primerize.Primerize_1D.


Representation of the Primerize_1D class.

design(sequence, MIN_TM=None, NUM_PRIMERS=None, MIN_LENGTH=None, MAX_LENGTH=None, prefix=None)

Run design code to get a PCR Assembly solution for input sequence under specified conditions. Current worker parameters are used for nonspecified optional arguments.

  • sequencestr: Sequence for assembly design. Valid RNA/DNA sequence only, case insensitive.

  • MIN_TMfloat: (Optional) Minimum annealing temperature for overlapping regions.

  • NUM_PRIMERSint: (Optional) Exact limit of number of primers in design.

  • MIN_LENGTHint: (Optional) Minimum length allowed for each primer.

  • MAX_LENGTHint: (Optional) Maximum length allowed for each primer.

  • prefixstr: (Optional) Construct prefix/name.




Get current worker parameters.


keystr: Keyword of parameter. Valid keywords are 'MIN_TM', 'NUM_PRIMERS', 'MIN_LENGTH', 'MAX_LENGTH', 'prefix'; case insensitive.


value of specified key.


AttributeError – For illegal key.


Reset current worker parameters to default.

set(key, value)

Set current worker parameters.

  • keystr: Keyword of parameter. Valid keywords are the same as get().

  • value(auto): New value for specified keyword. Type of value must match key.

  • AttributeError – For illegal key.

  • ValueError – For illegal value.

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Last updated on Dec 13, 2024.