RiboKit : Workflow

Folding Energetic Prediction Workflow

I want to model RNA folding energetics

About this workflow

Calculation of the folding energies and flexibilities of RNA structures is less well-developed than modeling the dominant (usually lowest energy) structure of a molecule. While Ribokit does not yet have a workflow per se, here are some things to try.




Chou, F.-C., Echols, N., Terwilliger, T.C., and Das, R. (2016)
RNA structure refinement using the ERRASER-Phenix pipeline
Methods in Molecular Biology 1320: 269 - 282. | Paper | Link

Chou, F.-C., Sripakdeevong, P., Dibrov, S.M, Hermann, T., and Das, R. (2013)
Correcting pervasive errors in RNA crystallography through enumerative structure prediction
Nature Methods 10: 74 - 76. | Paper | Link

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