RiboKit : RNAMake

Design and Optimize RNA 3D Structure


RNAMake is a toolkit for designing and optimizing RNA 3D structure. It allows the alignment between RNA motifs. These motif are small modular peices of RNA that are believed to fold independently, thus attaching them together with helix flanking both sides allows users of RNAMake to build large segments of RNA with a high success rate of forming the predicted structure in vitro.

Aligning Motifs with RNAMake



Python Module

To install RNAMake, simply:

git clone https://github.com/jyesselm/RNAMake.git

To make sure you system can find the RNAMake folder into the system’s $PATH and $PYTHONPATH. In bash this can be done by adding the following lines to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile if you are using a mac:

export RNAMAKE=<RNAMake Path>
export PATH=$PATH:<RNAMake Path>

Afterwards make sure to source your bashrc file.

source ~/.bashrc

To make sure everything is working run the first example module

python <RNAMake Path>/examples/example_motif.py

Compiling C++ Programs (Optional)

An additional optional step is to compile the c++ verision of RNAMake. All the functionality is redundant but it is significantly faster. Performing large design jobs, its recommended to use the C++ programs instead of python.

cd <RNAMake Path>/rnamake/lib/RNAMake/cmake/build
python make_project.py
cmake -G Ninja

To test run:

python run_unittests.py

This will run all the unittests for the c++ code. This may take a few minutes but will ensure everything is working properly.



Copyright © of RNAMake Source Code is described in LICENSE.md.


Developed by Das lab, Leland Stanford Junior University.

Built with Jekyll using a RiboKit Theme . Hosted on GitHub Pages.