RiboKit : LIFFT

LIkelihood-based Fits of Folding Transitions


LIkelihood-based Fits of Folding Transitions (LIFFT) models thermodynamic relationships vs. temperature, ionic, or ligand condition from chemical mapping measurement data. Using a likelihood function, assumptions that are necessary for error estimation, normalization, or for the choice of residues to fit are spelled out explicitly and applied systematically.

Installation & Getting Started

To install LIFFT,

• Download the latest release here: https://github.com/DasLab/LIFFT/releases/

or if you want the latest code through git:

git clone https://github.com/ribokit/LIFFT.git


help lifft


Copyright © of LIFFT Source Code is described in LICENSE.md.


Lee, J., Kladwang, W., Lee, M., Cantu, D., Azizyan, M., Kim, H., Limpaecher, A., Yoon, S., Treuille, A., Das, R., and EteRNA Participants (2014)
RNA design rules from a massive open laboratory
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 111 (6): 2122 - 2127. | Paper | Link

Kladwang, W., Chou, F.-C., and Das, R. (2012)
Automated RNA structure prediction uncovers a kink-turn linker in double glycine riboswitches
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (3): 1404 - 1407 | Paper | Link

Frederiksen, J.K., Li, N.S., Das, R., Herschlag, D., and Piccirilli, J.A. (2012)
Metal-ion rescue revisited: Biochemical detection of site-bound metal ions important for RNA folding
RNA 18 (6): 1123 - 1141. | Paper | Link


Developed by Das lab, Leland Stanford Junior University.

README updated by Rhiju Das, March 2018.

Built with Jekyll using a RiboKit Theme . Hosted on GitHub Pages.