RiboKit : HiTRACE

High-Throughput Robust Analysis for Capillary Electrophoresis

Step 0: Get Started

MATALB environment

Best Practice

For a standard HiTRACE analysis, we recommend the following files as conclusive end-points:

In other words, you should have the .mat workspace, .m script and .eps figures on your disk once you finished analysis, just like the ones from the provided example and shown in this tutorial series.

Thus please save your work frequently! Also organize your scripts. We recommend running save command often to save your workspace into .mat files in case of unexpected MATLAB termination. Please familiarize with commands like load, clear, close, which too.

Data Display

This is basically historical; note that most biochemical papers take a different convention where the faster products are at the bottom, and in some of our papers, we show the traces aligned horizontally (this wasted the least space for early data sets like this mutate/map study).


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