RiboKit : Workflow

Compensatory Mutation/Rescue Workflow

I want to test an RNA secondary structure model

About this workflow

Compensatory mutation/rescue is a classic methodology that can give strong confidence in modeled Watson/Crick base pairs. Chemical mapping offers a general readout for this method that does not require having a functional assay to readout rescue.


  1. Design primers for each candidate base pair with Primerize.

  2. Carry out the chemical mapping measurements, using HiTRACE and RDATKit.

  3. Look to see if single mutants exhibit distorted chemical mapping profiles compared to the starter sequence, and if double mutants restore the original profile.



Tian, S., and Das, R. (2016)
RNA structure through multidimensional chemical mapping
Quarterly Review of Biophysics 49 (e7): 1 - 30. | Paper | Link

Tian, S., Cordero, P., Kladwang, W., and Das, R. (2014)
High-throughput mutate-map-rescue evaluates SHAPE-directed RNA structure and uncovers excited states
RNA 20 (11): 1815 - 1826. | Paper | Link

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