RNA Ensemble Extraction From Footprinting Insights Technique

REEFFIT Documentation

REEFFIT (RNA Ensemble Extraction From Footprinting Instights Tool) is a method to fit RNA secondary structure ensembles to multi-dimensional chemical mapping (MCM) data. Currently, the method can take data from multiple mutate-and-map or mutate-bind-and-map (mutate-and-map plus ligand titrations, e.g. for riboswitches) experiments. Output is a set of weights and expected reactivities for each structure that linearly combine to form the data. If the structural ensemble is not provided, REEFFIT uses RNAstructure to generate a suboptimal set of structures of all mutants.


Cordero, P., and Das, R. (2015)
PLOS Computational Biology 11 (11): e1004473.


Developed by Das lab, Leland Stanford Junior University.

README by t47, May 2016.

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Last updated on Jun 22, 2017.