RiboKit : Workflow

3D Structure Refinement Workflow

I have crystallographic/cryoEM data

About this workflow

Stereochemical & backbone building errors are common in medium-resolution experimental structures of RNAs due to the difficulty and tedium of manually fitting coordinates into density maps. We maintain tools to help correct these errors automatically.


  1. Prepare your map from cryoEM or crystallography and starting coordinates.

  2. Carry out ERRASER either via server, on your laptop with Rosetta, or as part of PHENIX.

  3. [Coming soon: Test that your structure are consistent with one-dimensional chemical accessibility data easily acquired with this basic workflow. E-mail us if interested.]



Chou, F.-C., Echols, N., Terwilliger, T.C., and Das, R. (2016)
RNA structure refinement using the ERRASER-Phenix pipeline
Methods in Molecular Biology 1320: 269 - 282. | Paper | Link

Chou, F.-C., Sripakdeevong, P., Dibrov, S.M, Hermann, T., and Das, R. (2013)
Correcting pervasive errors in RNA crystallography through enumerative structure prediction
Nature Methods 10: 74 - 76. | Paper | Link

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